Blogger & Google Drive: embed image from google drive into blogger template

Trabla: Blogger & Google Drive: embed image from google drive into blogger template


1.  Share your image for public on the web - get image public share id:

Blogger and Google Drive howto embed image from google drive into blogger template - codingtrabla tutorial 1

Blogger and Google Drive howto embed image from google drive into blogger template - codingtrabla tutorial 2

Blogger and Google Drive howto embed image from google drive into blogger template - codingtrabla tutorial 3

Blogger and Google Drive howto embed image from google drive into blogger template - codingtrabla tutorial 4

Blogger and Google Drive howto embed image from google drive into blogger template - codingtrabla tutorial 5

2. Create url for image access, using IMAGE ID from step 1:<YOUR_IMAGE_PUBLIC_SHARE_ID>


Now we can use this link in html:

<div style='display:block'>
<img src=''/>

3. Open Blogger Template Editor:

Blogger and Google Drive howto embed image from google drive into blogger template - codingtrabla tutorial 6

4. Make template backup - copy code in template editor and save in any local text file on pc

5. Paste html code with image link into template + save template:

Blogger and Google Drive howto embed image from google drive into blogger template - codingtrabla tutorial 7

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