Trabla: Java + PostgreSQL JDBC: quick start
1. Install Java Development Kit (JDK)
2. Install Eclipse
3. Install PostgreSQL on local machine !!!remember user login and password
4. Run Eclipse
5. Create new Java project in eclipse - File -> New -> Java Project
6. Type project name ( e.g. "PostgresqlJDBC" ) and click "Finish" button
7. Download JDBC driver .jar for your PostgreSQL
- download page -
8. Drug and drop downloaded .jar into Eclipse "src" folder
9. Right mouse click on .jar in "src" folder , select "Build Path" -> "Add to Build Path"
10. Create new class Java class - "File" -> "New" -> "Class" and name it "PostgresqlJDBCTest"
11. Type following code into file
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
public class PostgresqlJDBCTest {
private static String db_url = "jdbc:postgresql://";
private static String db_user = "postgres";
private static String db_password = "superpassword123"; // Replace with yours
public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException {
Connection lvConn = null;
Statement lvStmt = null;
String lvSql = null;
// 1. Try to get connection
lvConn = DriverManager.getConnection(
PostgresqlJDBCTest.db_password );
// 2. Create statement
lvStmt = lvConn.createStatement();
// 3. Create table tbl_users
lvSql = "CREATE TABLE tbl_users( id bigserial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY , name varchar(200) NOT NULL UNIQUE, age int )";
lvStmt.executeUpdate( lvSql );
// 4. Insert some data
lvSql = "INSERT INTO tbl_users ( name, age ) VALUES ( 'Alex', 25 ) ";
lvStmt.executeUpdate( lvSql );
lvSql = "INSERT INTO tbl_users ( name, age ) VALUES ( 'John', 35 ) ";
lvStmt.executeUpdate( lvSql );
lvSql = "INSERT INTO tbl_users ( name, age ) VALUES ( 'Lili', 22 ) ";
lvStmt.executeUpdate( lvSql );
// 5. Update some data
lvSql = "UPDATE tbl_users SET age = 31 WHERE name = 'John' ";
lvStmt.executeUpdate( lvSql );
// 6. Delete some data
lvSql = "DELETE FROM tbl_users WHERE name = 'Alex' ";
lvStmt.executeUpdate( lvSql );
// 7. Select data from table
lvSql = "SELECT id, name, age FROM tbl_users ";
ResultSet rows = lvStmt.executeQuery(lvSql);
while ( {
" id = " + rows.getInt("id") +
" name = " + rows.getString("name") +
" age = "+rows.getInt("age")
// 8. Close db connection
12. Run program
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