Trabla: Unity3D: coroutine and WWW ( example of implementing Web-API call and processing )
In this tutorial we will implement simple wrapper for www calls and processing it.
Calling of API will be so easy, e.g.
api.xgSignIn (this, lvLogin, lvPassword);
where this - object which implements handler method
Naming convention:
I will use prefix X<ClassName> e.g. XServiceModel.
I will use prefix XI<InterfaceName> e.g. XIServiceCallbackHandler
I will use prefix xg<MethodName> e.g. void xgHandleServiceCallback( XServiceEventModel serviceEvent );
1. Create C# script XServiceEventModel.cs with following code:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class XServiceEventModel {
public int id { get; set; }
public string data{ get; set; }
public string error{ get; set; }
2. Create C# script XIServiceCallbackHandler.cs - interface with only one method.
Any view should implement it in order to process WWW callbacks. copy following code:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public interface XIServiceCallbackHandler {
void xgHandleServiceCallback( XServiceEventModel serviceEvent );
3. Create C# script XApiServic.cs - this class is a wrapper of your web-server api.
Use following code:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System;
using System.Text;
public class XApiService : MonoBehaviour {
private const string API_URL = "";
private const string APP_TOKEN = "2ba908bb34566e1ba91a5e570d0287";
#region Event Types
public const int EVENT_SIGN_IN_SUCCESS = 10;
public const int EVENT_SIGN_IN_FAILED = 11;
public const int EVENT_RESULTS_SAVE_SUCCESS = 20;
public const int EVENT_RESULTS_SAVE_FAILED = 21;
public void xgSignIn( XIServiceCallbackHandler callbackHandler, string login, string password ){
string url = API_URL + string.Format ( "/signin?app={0}&login={1}&password={2}", APP_TOKEN, login, password );
Dictionary<string, string> headers = new Dictionary<string, string> ();
new WWW( url, null, headers)
, callbackHandler
IEnumerator WaitForRequest(WWW www, XIServiceCallbackHandler callbackHandler, int successEventType, int failedEventType )
yield return www;
XServiceEventModel lvServiceEvent = new XServiceEventModel (); = www.error == null ? successEventType : failedEventType; = www.text;
lvServiceEvent.error = www.error;
// Call Callback Handler
callbackHandler.xgHandleServiceCallback ( lvServiceEvent );
3. Example of view and using previous classes
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class XSignInViewController : MonoBehaviour, XIServiceCallbackHandler {
public XGameController gameController;
public XApiService api;
public Text txtLogin;
public Text txtPassword;
public InputField inpLogin;
public InputField inpPassword;
public Button btnSignIn;
public Button btnBack;
public Text txtMessageBox;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
this.inpLogin.textComponent.text = "";
this.inpLogin.textComponent.text = "";
this.txtMessageBox.text = "";
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
#region Events
// This method is attached in UnityEditor to Button OnClick
public void xgDoSignIn(){
string lvLogin = this.inpLogin.textComponent.text;
string lvPassword = this.inpPassword.textComponent.text;
// Very easy call of API
api.xgSignIn (this, lvLogin, lvPassword);
#region XIServiceCallbackHandler implementation
public void xgHandleServiceCallback (XServiceEventModel serviceEvent)
switch (
// Save User
string lvLogin = this.inpLogin.textComponent.text;
string lvPassword = this.inpPassword.textComponent.text;
var lvToken = Pathfinding.Serialization.JsonFx.JsonReader.Deserialize<XTokenResponseModel> (;
throw new UnityException ("NOT IMPLEMENTED EVENT_SIGN_IN_FAILED");
throw new UnityException ("EVENT NOT FOUND");
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