Unity3D: loading and using sprite atlas from Resources

Trabla: Unity3D: loading and using sprite atlas from Resources

Unity3D load sprite atlas from Resources - tutorial 1


1. Create sprite atlas ( .png file images, background transparent )

Unity3D load sprite atlas from Resources - tutorial 2

Unity3D load sprite atlas from Resources - tutorial 3
"sprite-atlas.png" File

2. Create new unity2D project

Unity3D load sprite atlas from Resources - tutorial 4

3. Create folder "Resources" in folder "Assets"
and drag-n-drop sprite atlas file into folder "Resources"

Unity3D load sprite atlas from Resources - tutorial 5

4. Select sprite atlas file - set "Sprite Mode" -> "Multiple" + click "Apply"

Unity3D load sprite atlas from Resources - tutorial 6

5. Click "Sprite Editor" - slice sprite in automatic mode - will create separate sprites.

Unity3D load sprite atlas from Resources - tutorial 7

Unity3D load sprite atlas from Resources - tutorial 8
Slice Result

6. Create following UI structure:
- Text
- Button
- Image

Unity3D load sprite atlas from Resources - tutorial 9

Unity3D load sprite atlas from Resources - tutorial 10

7. Create new C# script , name it "SpriteAtlasController"  and add as component to "Panel"

8. Copy following code into "SpriteAtlasController.cs"

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.UI; // Add this directive for UI Components e.g. Text, Button etc.
using System.Collections.Generic; 

public class SpriteAtlasController : MonoBehaviour {

public Button btnChangeImage;
public Text txtImageName;
public Image imgImage;

Sprite[] arrSprites;
int spriteIndexInArray = -1;

// Use this for initialization
void Start () {

Debug.Log("Try to load : sprite-atlas ");
arrSprites = Resources.LoadAll<Sprite>("sprite-atlas");

foreach (Sprite lvSprite in arrSprites)




// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {


// Call this function when button click
public void ChangeImage(){

spriteIndexInArray = spriteIndexInArray < arrSprites.Length - 1 ? spriteIndexInArray + 1 : 0;

Debug.Log ("spriteIndexInArray : " + spriteIndexInArray );

imgImage.sprite = arrSprites[spriteIndexInArray];
txtImageName.text = arrSprites[spriteIndexInArray].name;

9. Drag-n-drop UI elements to "SpriteAtlasController.cs" script

Unity3D load sprite atlas from Resources - tutorial 11

10. Add OnClick call of method "ChangeImage()" for Button in UI

Unity3D load sprite atlas from Resources - tutorial 12

Hooray!!! :)

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