Moodle: all plugin (extention modules) types

Trabla: Moodle: all plugin (extention modules) types


The M in Moodle stands for modular. The easiest and most maintainable way to add new functionality to Moodle is by writing one of these types of plugin. If none of the standardized types fits your needs, you can use the "local" type.
Plugin typeComponent nameMoodle pathDescriptionMoodle versions
Activity modulesmod/modActivity modules are the most important type of plugins. They provide activities in courses. For example: Forum, Quiz and Assignment.All
Admin reportsreport/admin/reportProvides useful views of data in a Moodle site, for admins only.Up to 2.1 (for 2.2+ see Reports)
Admin toolstool/admin/toolProvides utility scripts useful for admins to examine and modify a Moodle site2.2+
Assignment 2.2 typesassignment/mod/assignment/typeDifferent forms of assignments to be graded by teachers1.x - 2.2
Assignment 2.3 submissionsassignsubmission/mod/assign/submissionDifferent forms of assignment submissions2.3+
Assignment 2.3 feedbacksassignfeedback/mod/assign/feedbackDifferent forms of assignment feedbacks2.3+
Atto editor pluginatto/lib/editor/atto/pluginsExtra functionality for the Atto text editor2.7+
Authentication pluginsauth/authAllows connection to external sources of authentication2.0+
Availability conditionsavailability/availability/conditionConditions to restrict user access to activities and sections.2.7+ (proposed)
Book toolbooktool/mod/book/toolSmall information-displays or tools that can be moved around pages ???
Blocksblock/blocksSmall information-displays or tools that can be moved around pages2.0+
Cache storecachestore/cache/storesCache storage back-ends.2.4+
Cache lockscachelock/cache/locksCache lock implementations.2.4+
Calendar typescalendartype/calendar/typeDefines how dates are displayed throughout Moodle2.6+
Course formatsformat/course/formatDifferent ways of laying out the activities and blocks in a course1.3+
Course reportscoursereport/course/reportReports of activity within the courseUp to 2.1 (for 2.2+ see Reports)
Database fieldsdatafield/mod/data/fieldDifferent types of data that may be added to the Database activity module1.6+
Database presetsdatapreset/mod/data/presetPre-defined templates for the Database activity module1.6+
Editorseditor/lib/editorAlternative text editors for editing content2.0+
Enrolment pluginsenrol/enrolWays to control who is enrolled in courses2.0+
External tool sourceltisource/mod/lti/sourceWays to control who is enrolled in courses2.7+
Filtersfilter/filterAutomatically convert, highlight, and transmogrify text posted into Moodle.1.4+
Gradebook exportgradeexport/grade/exportExport grades in various formats1.9+
Gradebook importgradeimport/grade/importImport grades in various formats1.9+
Gradebook reportsgradereport/grade/reportDisplay/edit grades in various layouts and reports1.9+
Grading methodsgradingform/grade/grading/formInterfaces for actually performing grading in activity modules (eg Rubrics).2.2+
Local pluginslocal/localGeneric plugins for local customisations2.0+
Messaging consumersmessage/message/outputSend messages to users via different methods (email, sms, jabber, etc)2.0+
Plagiarism pluginsplagiarism/plagiarismDefine external services to process submitted files and content2.0+
Portfolio pluginsportfolio/portfolioConnect external portfolio services as destinations for users to store Moodle content1.9+
Question behavioursqbehaviour/question/behaviourControl how student interact with questions during an attempt2.1+
Question formatsqformat/question/formatImport and export question definitions to/from the question bank1.6+
Question typesqtype/question/typeDifferent types of question (e.g. multiple-choice, drag-and-drop) that can be used in quizzes and other activities1.6+
Quiz access rulesquizaccess/mod/quiz/accessruleAdd conditions to when or where quizzes can be attempted, for example only from some IP addresses, or student must enter a password first2.2+
Quiz reportsquiz/mod/quiz/reportDisplay and analyse the results of quizzes, or just plug miscellaneous behaviour into the quiz module1.1+
Reportsreport/reportProvides useful views of data in a Moodle site for admins and teachers2.2+
Repository pluginsrepository/repositoryConnect to external sources of files to use in Moodle2.0+
SCORM reportsscormreport/mod/scorm/reportAnalysis of SCORM attempts2.2+
Themestheme/themeChange the look of Moodle by changing the the HTML and the CSS.2.0+
TinyMCE editor add-ontinymce/lib/editor/tinymce/pluginsExtra functionality for the TinyMCE text editor. ???
User profile fieldsprofilefield/user/profile/fieldAdd new types of data to user profiles1.9+
Webservice protocolswebservice/webserviceDefine new protocols for web service communication (such as SOAP, XML-RPC, JSON, REST ...)2.0+
Workshop allocation methodsworkshopallocation/mod/workshop/allocationDefine ways how submissions are assigned for assessment in the Workshop module2.0+
Workshop evaluation methodsworkshopeval/mod/workshop/evalImplement the calculation of the grade for assessment (grading grade) in theWorkshop module2.0+
Workshop grading strategiesworkshopform/mod/workshop/formDefine the type of the grading form and implement the calculation of the grade for submission in the Workshop module2.0+
Official Docs:
PRO TIP: You can get the most exact list of types in your version of Moodle with the following script:

 define('CLI_SCRIPT', true);
 require('path/to/config.php'); // global moodle config file.

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