Unity3D: quick start with JsonFx

TrablaUnity3D: quick start with JsonFx

Unity3D quick start with JsonFx
Unity3D install JsonFx

JsonFx - json serialization framework.
This tutorial explains how to quick start using JsonFx in Unity.


1. Create Unity3D 2d project

2. Create following ui (see screenshot )

Unity3D install JsonFx tutorial screenshot 1

Unity3D install JsonFx tutorial screenshot 2

3. Create folder "Plugins" in "Assets" folder

4. Download JsonFx for Unity from here:

Unity3D install JsonFx tutorial screenshot 3

5. Unzip downloaded archive and copy file JsonFx.Json.dll
into "Plugins" directory in Unity3D editor


Unity3D install JsonFx tutorial screenshot 4

Unity3D install JsonFx tutorial screenshot 5

6.  DemoScript.cs code:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

using System;

//Using Json FX
using Pathfinding.Serialization.JsonFx;

// UI objects like - Text, Button, etc.
using UnityEngine.UI;
// For using List
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class DemoScript : MonoBehaviour {

//List of text lables - will be filled with json data
public List<Text> textLabels;

// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {

// This function attached on button click
public void ParseJson(){
var json = "{\"data\":[" +
"{\"name\":\"John\",\"age\":25}," +
"{\"name\":\"Lee\",\"age\":24}," +
"{\"name\":\"Cathy\",\"age\":21}," +
"{\"name\":\"Tom\",\"age\":19}," +

//UsersData usersData = Pathfinding.Serialization.JsonFx.JsonReader.Deserialize<UsersData> (json);
UsersData usersData = JsonReader.Deserialize<UsersData> (json);

int i = 0;
foreach( var user in usersData.data){
textLabels[i].text = String.Format(" Name: {0} Age: {1} ", user.name, user.age);



public class UsersData{
public List<User> data { get; set; }


public class User{
public string name { get; set; }
public int age { get; set; }


Unity3D install JsonFx tutorial screenshot 5

Unity3D install JsonFx tutorial screenshot 6

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