Install Chyrp 2017.1 on Windows 7 localhost via WampServer 3.0.6 - opensource PHP tumbleblog CMS

Trabla: Install Chyrp 2017.1 on Windows 7 x64 localhost via WampServer 3.0.6 x64  - opensource PHP tumbleblog / blog content management system CMS

Install Chyrp 2017.1 on Windows 7 localhost via WampServer 3.0.6  - opensource PHP tumbleblog CMS

Chyrp Lite makes it possible to host a blog on your own web server with minimal fuss. You can have a traditional blog, a tumbleblog, or you can add oodles of customisation and build a web publishing platform with blogging features on the side.
With a flexible system of Feathers and Pages, you can make your website whatever you want it to be. Feathers enable different types of blog content – you can restrict yourself to absolute textual purity, or you can create a multimedia rainbow. Pages let you publish articles separate from your blog content – be it a simple colophon or a hierarchy of multiple pages, optionally including a homepage that your visitors will see when they first arrive at your website.
You get four beautiful blog themes and a friendly administration console, all fully navigable on a broad range of devices, thanks to the power of responsive HTML5. Semantic markup and comprehensive ARIA labelling ensure your blog will be accessible to visitors who use assistive technologies.

WampServer refers to a software stack for the Microsoft Windows operating system, created by Romain Bourdon and consisting of the Apache web server, OpenSSL for SSL support, MySQL database and PHP programming language.

Chyrp Blog Engine Official Page  -
WampServer Official Website -


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