iDempiere ERP : howto install org.red1.purchasing_1.0.0.jar iDempiere plugin

TrablaIdempiere ERP : howto install org.red1.purchasing_1.0.0.jar Idempiere plugin

iDempiere ERP : howto install org.red1.purchasing_1.0.0.jar iDempiere plugin

iDempiere Business Suite, also known as OSGi + ADempiere, is an open source Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software that is fully navigable on PCs, tablets and smartphones, it has also customer relationship management (CRM) and supply chain management (SCM) functions. It is in contrast to proprietary or most other open source ERP solutions driven only by a community of supporters.

iDempiere Official Site -


Watch on YouTube

1.  Start iDempiere ERP already installed on your PC ( Win 7)

- Detailed tutorial howto install iDempiere on Windows 7:

- Run C:\idempiere-server\idempiere-server.bat 

iDempiere ERP : howto install org.red1.purchasing_1.0.0.jar iDempiere plugin tutorial 1

2. Download org.red1.purchasing_1.0.0.jar iDempiere plugin

- Download url :

iDempiere ERP : howto install org.red1.purchasing_1.0.0.jar iDempiere plugin tutorial 2

3. Download org.red1.wms_4.1.0.201710210810.jar iDempiere plugin ( required for  org.red1.purchasing )

- Download url :

iDempiere ERP : howto install org.red1.purchasing_1.0.0.jar iDempiere plugin tutorial 3

iDempiere ERP : howto install org.red1.purchasing_1.0.0.jar iDempiere plugin tutorial 4

iDempiere ERP : howto install org.red1.purchasing_1.0.0.jar iDempiere plugin tutorial 5

4. Login into your iDempiere Apache Felix Web console

- open in Browser url of your idempiere ( in my case http://localhost:81 )

iDempiere ERP : howto install org.red1.purchasing_1.0.0.jar iDempiere plugin tutorial 6

iDempiere ERP : howto install org.red1.purchasing_1.0.0.jar iDempiere plugin tutorial 7

- click on "Plug-In Console" icon to open iDempiere Apache Felix Web console

iDempiere ERP : howto install org.red1.purchasing_1.0.0.jar iDempiere plugin tutorial 8

- in dialog "Authentication required"
type login / password = SuperUser / System
, where "System" password of SuperUser, use yours

iDempiere ERP : howto install org.red1.purchasing_1.0.0.jar iDempiere plugin tutorial 9

iDempiere ERP : howto install org.red1.purchasing_1.0.0.jar iDempiere plugin tutorial 10

5. Install org.red1.wms_4.1.0.201710210810.jar iDempiere plugin ( MUST BE installed BEFORE org.red1.purchasing )

- in iDempiere Apache Felix Web console click "Install/Update..." button

iDempiere ERP : howto install org.red1.purchasing_1.0.0.jar iDempiere plugin tutorial 11

iDempiere ERP : howto install org.red1.purchasing_1.0.0.jar iDempiere plugin tutorial 12

- click "Choose File..." button

iDempiere ERP : howto install org.red1.purchasing_1.0.0.jar iDempiere plugin tutorial 13

- select org.red1.wms_4.1.0.201710210810.jar  and click "Open" button

iDempiere ERP : howto install org.red1.purchasing_1.0.0.jar iDempiere plugin tutorial 14

- enable checkbox "Start bundle" and click "Install or Update" button

iDempiere ERP : howto install org.red1.purchasing_1.0.0.jar iDempiere plugin tutorial 15

6. Install org.red1.purchasing_1.0.0.jar iDempiere plugin

- in iDempiere Apache Felix Web console click "Install/Update..." button

iDempiere ERP : howto install org.red1.purchasing_1.0.0.jar iDempiere plugin tutorial 16

iDempiere ERP : howto install org.red1.purchasing_1.0.0.jar iDempiere plugin tutorial 17

click "Choose File..." button

iDempiere ERP : howto install org.red1.purchasing_1.0.0.jar iDempiere plugin tutorial 18

select org.red1.purchasing_1.0.0.jar  and click "Open" button

iDempiere ERP : howto install org.red1.purchasing_1.0.0.jar iDempiere plugin tutorial 19

enable checkbox "Start bundle" and click "Install or Update" button

iDempiere ERP : howto install org.red1.purchasing_1.0.0.jar iDempiere plugin tutorial 20

7. Make sure newly installed iDempiere plugins
org.red1.wms_4.1.0.201710210810.jar  and  org.red1.purchasing_1.0.0.jarare running

- in search field of  iDempiere Apache Felix Web Console
type "wms" and click "Apply Filter"

iDempiere ERP : howto install org.red1.purchasing_1.0.0.jar iDempiere plugin tutorial 21

- in search field of  iDempiere Apache Felix Web Console
type "purchasing" and click "Apply Filter"

iDempiere ERP : howto install org.red1.purchasing_1.0.0.jar iDempiere plugin tutorial 22

Hooray !!! Done !!! :) iDempiere plugin
org.red1.purchasing_1.0.0.jar successfully installed.

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